Click on a team below for more information.
Leadership Team
Evangelism & Outreach
Health & Social Concerns
Liturgical Expression
Men of Genesis
Spiritual Care
Ufana Connection
Usher Board
Leadership Team

The Ledership Team is responsible for the planning, goal setting, implementation, and evaluation of ministry to fulfill the mission and vision of the congregation.

The Ministry of Education is responsible for the Christian education of our church.
Evangelism And Outreach

The mission of the Ministry of Evangelism and Outreach is to promote evangelism and outreach through visioning and planning with all ministries to reinforce a link to the community.Evangelism is a zealous effort to spread the gospel…to carry out The Great Commission of Matthew 28:16-20. The Ministry of Evangelism and Outreach is to facilitate planning and visioning within the congregation to ensure the church is actively carrying out the mission of Jesus Christ. Outreach is meeting people where they are and helping them to achieve a sustainable life…to carry out the mission of caring for The Least of These (in the estimation of man) according to Matthew 25: 31-4

The Ministry of Finance has the responsibility, as a team of managing the financial affairs and policies of the church.
Health and Social Concerns
The ministry of Health and Social Concerns reaches out to assist people in need and advocates for social action on the issues of social justice.
Liturgical Expression
The Liturgical Expression ministry team is a group from the congregation of Genesis Lutheran Church who through prayer and reflection strive to coordinate and plan the worship events of the church to the Glory of God. The ministry of Liturgical Expression includes the Altar Guild, the Acolytes, the Choir, the Dancers, and the Usher Teams.
Men of Genesis

The Minister of Personnel works with leadership on matters pertaining to personnel administration and staffing.

The Minister of Property oversees the upkeep, general maintenance, and repair/replacement of the buildings and grounds of the church.

Spiritual Care
The Ministry of Spiritual Care provides spiritual care to the hurting and sick and shut in.
Ufana Connection
God’s work, our hands. Giving thanks to God for our partnership with Christians throughout the world. The Genesis/Ufana Connection’s goal and mission is to coordinate the efforts of the Genesis Lutheran church congregation to foster , develop and maintain a mutually spiritual and supportive relationship with Ufana, it’s sister congregation of the Mbulu Diocese in Tanzania, East Africa.
Usher Board